agrees, “so we provide guidance and avoid anything strict or overcomplicated,” in reality producing something that’s easily followed and understood. “There are a lot of brand guidelines in the world ranging from the good, the bad and the ugly,” he adds, suggesting that the “ugly” guidelines in question typically come from an ultimately unattractive identity. “Bad guidelines usually look like they’ve been put together in ten minutes with no consideration,” Jones continues, disregarding layout and hierarchy. “Good guidelines should be engaging and educational with considered layouts,” he declares, “with well-crafted applications and succinct key information” – a feat achieved innately by a proper understanding of the brand, beginning with the basics. “If you start with the basics you can figure out the other elements of the system that need to be expanded upon,” Jones tells us, starting the systemisation of a brand simply. “Although a brand is more than a logo,” he adds, “it’s often a good place to begin.”
Zümrüt Çalış / 12 Haz 2023 / Söyleşi
Wagoon Agency TV8,5 Business Time Programı Röportaj
“We believe a well-systemised brand identity should be allowed to grow over time,” Jones agrees, “so we provide guidance and avoid anything strict or overcomplicated,” in reality producing something that’s easily followed and understood. “There are a lot of brand guidelines in the world ranging from the good, the bad and the ugly,” he adds, suggesting that the “ugly” guidelines in question typically come from an ultimately unattractive identity. “Bad guidelines usually look like they’ve been put together in ten minutes with no consideration,” Jones continues, disregarding layout and hierarchy. “Good guidelines should be engaging and educational with considered layouts,” he declares, “with well-crafted